
A dark mode extension for Chrome


1.0.0 Released

Version 1.0 has been published! Release highlights:

Big Update Ahead: Version 1.0

This project has been asleep for a few years now because it has been working well enough and Google hasn't been throwing any new rendering curveballs at me. That is, until the big Manifest v2 deprecation demanding an update to Manifest v3 or face being kicked off the chrome web store.

That work is nearly complete now, and while I was at it, I updated some other things too, adding support for finer-grained site matching (including by page path!), syncing settings between computers, and adding a setting so that sites detected as already in dark mode won't get inverted. The changes are pretty big, and also I've replaced my old icon with a much nicer one, and with this project now being over ten years old now, I thought it was time to bump the version to 1.0.

The dev branch has all the new changes, and the 1.0 update is currently "pending review" for the web store. It's coming! It just takes forever for their review team to realize that this extension isn't going to do anything malicious, I guess.

In other news, the death of Manifest v2 has a lot of people looking at a migration to Firefox, so I'm investigating what it will take to port this over. It's issue #751 on github. I have been resistant to formally supporting Firefox in the past because I am just one person, and I have to limit the scope of this project somehow in order to have a personal life beyond my day job, but at this point even I'm getting worried enough about the future of the web to take on the extra work.

Also on the agenda is completely overhauling my build/deploy pipeline because, wouldn't you know it, the entire JavaScript ecosystem has changed in the last decade, and so nothing built years ago works anymore. I have so much work to do.

Deluminate will always remain free as long as I have any say in it, but I am adding a tip jar link because, well, if even one person sends me a few bucks in thanks, all this labor will feel a bit less thankless.